The age old question in the dating game is whether size really matters? Men come of age wondering if they measure up to the next man. Women experience envy when their girlfriends mention the extraordinary length of husbands or boyfriends.

Yet, is size really that important? Not all people enjoy having to spend time in bed with an extra long partner, right? Well, this article will provide some nuance to the discussion. Size is important in certain respects; however, there are some caveats. All men need to rest assured that someone out there will find them more than adequate in the bed.

Size Can be Deceiving

Men are not good judges of how large or small their member may be. Size depends on perspective. Looking down on an object informs little about its real size. As such, many men feel inadequate and some have delusions of being well-endowed, all based on a visual error. Therefore, there is often little correlation between the visual size and male performance, other than what the man incorrectly perceives.

Other people also see length in relative terms. For example, shaving the genital area makes the member stand out. Guess what? Yes, it appears larger. Nevertheless, the actual length never changed. Nor did the lovemaking ability of the owner.

Girth Matters Too

There is a pronounced occupation with length for some reason. What people often forget is that width or girth matters as well. A man with a large girth may find his partners more pleased than another man with more inches.

So, Does Size Matter?

As seen here, size has no real effect on how men perform in bed. There are actually various positions that render size of virtually no effect.
However, it would be remiss to say that being so-called large or small plays no role on the psyche. Because males learn from an early age that longer is better, they begin to believe it. Likewise, those lacking in inches may actually develop a psychosis over the fact. Thus, it is best for everyone not to obsess over size.

Size Really Matter?
source: MSPhotographic / bigstock


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