A culture that evades part of the world while enticing the others, the hookup culture consists of men and women who are solely interested in getting it on. Obviously more complex than it sounds, many people have extremely strong opinions about the notion of hooking up. Without further ado, the following is an overview of 10 of the best hookup quotes ever. 

Top 10 Hookup Quotes 

  1. “I like psycho chicks…Yeah, you hook up with a psycho, you’re gonna learn something. First thing you learn is how to sleep with one eye open”. ~Alonzo Bodden. (Yes, someone actually said this, and it’s hilarious!)
  2. “Finals are like a bad hook-up, your test grades will always come back to haunt you” ~Unknown (Eh, hopefully not!)
  3. “A promiscuous person is a person who is getting more sex than you are.” ~ Victor Lownes (We approve this message!)
  4. “Everyone hooks up with George Clooney. He’s a genuinely cool guy. He’s using his powers for good” ~William H. Macy (Well, not everyone…at least, no yet!)
  5. “I know nothing about sex, because I was always married.” ~ Zsa Zsa Gabor (Ouch!)
  6. “Sex at age ninety is like trying to shoot pool with a rope.” ~ George Burns (Let’s just hope we all live to find out!)
  7. “Familiarity breeds contempt–and children.” ~ Mark Twain (Profound! No wonder he still sells all those books!)
  8.  “I’ll hook up with you this Cinco de Mayo if you can refrain from calling me a hot tamale” ~Unknown (OK, this one is a bit corny…get it??)
  9. “Literature is mostly about having sex and not much about having children; life is the other way around.” ~ David Lodge (Say it again, Dave! I don’t think they heard you way in the back!)
  10. “Anticipation makes the hard-on longer.” ~ Itsby Stevintary (Zero lies detected)

The bottom line, hookups are interpreted in many different ways by many different people. Rather than getting caught up in what others think, why not just live your own life and create your own hookup quotes? But don’t forget to save this article for reference!



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