Is a serious romantic relationship just too much for you to handle at the moment? Maybe you are seeking a casual relationship because the thrill of a new lover excites you. Perhaps you simply don’t need all of the problems which come from a long-term relationship. For whichever reasons you choose to have casual sex, do it the right way. Know the Casual Hookup Rules


If you want to have fun, safe, and hassle-free hookups, you need to follow the rules.  These are a few casual hookup rules you shouldn’t break:

Casual Hookup Rules Do’s

Be upfront about your intentions. Make sure your partner knows what you want, and layout some casual hookup rules of your own. Do you hate staying over, or despise phone calls the morning after? Say it.

Be in control. Don’t let your inhibitions hold you back, but always remain in control. Keep your emotions in check. It is “only sex”, and developing strong feelings for your partner will lead to heartache.

Get what you want.  Have you always wanted to try that position you saw online?  Do you have a kinky fetish which you were always afraid to talk about with your ex? A casual relationship is the best place to explore your unique sexual proclivities.

Have an exit strategy. Create a post-sex plan before hooking up. Always have a way out of a hookup to avoid feeling trapped. Setting a limit on the number of times you meet someone is not only practical, but it can increase the intensity of the sex because you know when it will end.

Casual Hookup Rules Don’ts

Don’t be ashamed. While casual sex may not be something you want to brag to your mother about, it shouldn’t make you feel bad either. “Getting some” should relieve stress from your life, not add not it.

Don’t act like a couple. Avoid doing and saying things which blurs the line between being casual, and being in a committed relationship. Don’t meet for lunch, unless a nooner is involved. Never use the “L” word.

Don’t share too much about yourself. Does your one-night stand really need to know where you grew up, your friends, or your Facebook user name? Sharing too much may not only lead to emotional attachment, but can become dangerous.

Don’t do something you don’t want to do. Everyone has their limits. Just because you will might never see this person again, avoid doing anything you are not 100% comfortable doing. This includes not pressuring your partner to do something he/she is not up for trying.

NSA sex can be healthy and fun if you play by these casual hookup rules. Get out there and see what casual hookups NYC style is all about!

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