Internet technology makes just about everything possible. In today’s society, more people meet online than anywhere else. There are many different hookups sites, but hookups on Twitter seem to be a popular way to find what you want. These three ways can help you get the hookup.

1. Set Yur Target Hookups on Twitter

There are millions of people on Twitter to choose from. Going through every Twitter profile will take forever. Instead of wasting time, set your search criteria for what you want, whether it be a man or woman, short or tall, slim or curvy, blue or green eyes, maybe brown, or short or long hair. Be as specific as possible so your search results will give you exactly what you need. Talking to random people may be your thing, but if you are trying to get what you want, skip the small talk with randoms.


source: conrado/BigStock
source: conrado/BigStock

2. Match Your Interests

It’s good to have a few things in common with your hookup. Although it’s a hookup, being with or around someone you have absolutely nothing in common with can be a boring drag. if you have a few things in common with your hookup, you can break the ice by talking about a few of your interests, hobbies, and other things you may have in common. Breaking the ice gives you and your hookup a little bit of background on you without being too personal.

3. Find Hookups in Your Area

Finding hookups in your area gives you a better chance of actually hooking up and you are less likely to become a catfish victim. Being in the same city or state gives you both something to talk about and makes it easier to hook up more than once.

4. Fix Your Profile Photo

Your profile photo says a lot about you, so it needs to be nothing less than perfect. This photo is everyone’s first impression of you, and the impression must be excellent. There’s no need to Photoshop anything, but make sure you are the only person in the picture. The profile picture should be a clear shot of your face. No shades or anything else covering your face.

5. Create an Interesting Bio

Your bio is the other part of your profile that tells people who you are. Don’t tell your life story, but list a few interesting facts about yourself, including your hobbies, a few of your likes and dislikes, and plans you may have for the future. Give people a peek into your world without giving them a free show. This will intrigue people to want to know more about you and you may have to offer.



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