the first date guide part 3 - how to win him over on the first date

source: RockandWasp/ bigstock

First dates are like the first day at school. You want to be liked, make a good impression, and create lasting relationships. Whether you meet your guy at a party, a bar, or at the local library, your first date is the initial interaction that you have with your new boo. Your first thought will likely be how to win him over on the first date? How do you win this guy over and have him wrapped around your finger hanging off of every word?

Lay on the charm

You are a charming lady, clearly! If it weren’t for your natural charm, you wouldn’t be on the first date. Don’t let your nerves ruin your date. Simply shake them off and lay on the charm that your guy has already fallen for.


What’s unique about you

There is that special something about everyone. Maybe you are a collector with infinite knowledge about West African art or maybe you have an interesting career path that most haven’t heard of. Whatever it may be that makes you unique and interesting, highlight those apspects and show your date that you are a catch, a one of a kind that they can not risk missing a chance with.

Listen to him

Here’s a fact; people love to talk about themselves, their passions, and the things they love to do. Don’t monopolize the conversation with talks about you. Give your date a chance to talk about themselves but more importantly, listen to them. Actively engage in conversation without steering it back towards you. Ask engaging questions that allows them to elaborate.

Lay off the liquor

Yes, a few adult beverages helps to loosen you up and no, there is nothing wrong with that. However, beyond two drinks is too much and you should avoid over drinking at all costs. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and control which is not a good look on the first date. You may start slurring your words, sweating, and turn into a total mess. Don’t be that girl on the first date.

Use light touching to show your interest

It is easy for a guy to misconstrue a night out and assume that their date is not actually as interested in them because the signals were unclear. Help make your interest completely clear by touching his shoulder when you laugh, offering him a warm embrace when you enter the date, and grazing his hand through the date. Light touches provide positive body language that your date will definitely pick up on.

Offer to go dutch at the end of the date

The date is over and the bill has arrived. Offer to split the bill with your date one time. Now, you should always go on a first date prepared to pay even though that is not the gentlemanly thing for a man to do if he knows how to lay a girl on the first date. Men love to be able to tell you to put your money away so that they can pay and will love even more that you don’t feel entitled for them to pay for you.


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