The art of tantric sex is something erotic that people have been studying for centurie. You might have heard more about it in modern times when in reference to the famous singer Sting, and his wife Trudie Styler who said they regularly practice tantra positions in their own lovemaking routine. Well, I guess there is nothing routine about tantra, but there are some easy positions that anyone can learn to do with their partner. You might have grabbed a copy of the Kama Sutra at some point to marvel over the hundreds of positions in that famed book, but it doesn’t have to be that complex. Keep in mind that one of the main points of tantra is to keep close eye contact with your partner. This aids in creating that close bond during the act of love.

Here are three easy positions anyone can do with a little practice.

Facing Each Other

Have one partner sit down on the floor, or on a yoga mat cross legged. Then the other partner climbs on top, facing them, and wraps their legs around the sitting person. You bodies are meant to be as close to each other as possible. This position is also great for kissing as well.

The Butterfly

This position can be done on a table or on a taller platform type bed. One person lays down with their legs in the air ready to receive their partner, who is standing up. Your legs go over the standing person’s shoulder, while lifting your hips up towards them. This allows for eye contact, but also deeper penetration for a more satisfying intense orgasm.

Chair Position

One partner is seated in a study but open chair. Then facing them the other person climbs on top, but lets their legs dangle down. This position is also easy to maintain, and allows for a closer connection to each other.

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