The first date is exciting! You don’t know whether you’re going to hit it off with that new person, or where the night will end. When you have your next first date, make sure you do these five things!

1. Ask About His Sexual History

The conversation can be awkward to bring up, but it will be even more awkward if you wait until that certain moment when you’re about to become part of his sexual history. Get it over with at dinner or over drinks, and you won’t have to worry about it the next day. You can start by talking about your own dating history, and then it will naturally segue into the two of you sharing the pertinent information.

2. See His Apartment

You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he lives when no one is watching. Back at his place, while he’s pouring the wine and playing music, take a spin around his apartment. In particular, look for photos of old girlfriends (or are they his sister?), medication bottles, and signs of anything you’re uncomfortable with. The most satisfying hookups are when both people are totally into the kind of action that’s happening. If you see sex toys you’re not into, speak up.

3. Sleep With Him on the First Date

Sleeping on the first date isn’t for everyone, and if it’s not your thing, then don’t do it. But if you are into it, sleeping on the first date can be super intimate and interesting. Seeing how a person sleeps can give you a lot of insight into how they are as a person. Does he want to cuddle all night long, or does he sleep on his back with his arms folded? These signs can help you decide if you want a second date.

4. Play Hard to Get

Yeah, it’s hard to play hard to get if you’re sleeping with him on the first date. But let’s say that you can still play hard to get emotionally. Guys like a gal with a little mystery, and if you want to get him to call you for another romp, don’t give away all your secrets. Play your cards close to your chest and keep him guessing a little about what it is that makes you tick.

5. Have Fun With It

On the first date, you might decide that this isn’t the guy for you. But don’t let that ruin the whole date. You could look at it like this is an interesting person that you would ordinarily not have a chance to get to know. Sometimes, a date can be even more fun when neither of you is really trying to make a huge first impression.

Finally, don’t forget to tell someone where you’re going on your first date. If you get stranded or just need to quick escape, it’s nice to know your bestie will be able to swoop in to save the night!



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