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The first date is exciting! You don’t know whether you’re going to hit it off with that new person, or where the night will end. When you have your next first date, make sure you do these five things!

1. Ask About His Sexual History

The conversation can be awkward to bring up, but it will be even more awkward if you wait until that certain moment when you’re about to become part of his sexual history. Get it over with at dinner or over drinks, and you won’t have to worry about it the next day. You can start by talking about your own dating history, and then it will naturally segue into the two of you sharing the pertinent information.

2. See His Apartment

You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he lives when no one is watching. Back at his place, while he’s pouring the wine and playing music, take a spin around his apartment. In particular, look for photos of old girlfriends (or are they his sister?), medication bottles, and signs of anything you’re uncomfortable with. The most satisfying hookups are when both people are totally into the kind of action that’s happening. If you see sex toys you’re not into, speak up.

3. Sleep With Him on the First Date

Sleeping on the first date isn’t for everyone, and if it’s not your thing, then don’t do it. But if you are into it, sleeping on the first date can be super intimate and interesting. Seeing how a person sleeps can give you a lot of insight into how they are as a person. Does he want to cuddle all night long, or does he sleep on his back with his arms folded? These signs can help you decide if you want a second date.

4. Play Hard to Get

Yeah, it’s hard to play hard to get if you’re sleeping with him on the first date. But let’s say that you can still play hard to get emotionally. Guys like a gal with a little mystery, and if you want to get him to call you for another romp, don’t give away all your secrets. Play your cards close to your chest and keep him guessing a little about what it is that makes you tick.

5. Have Fun With It

On the first date, you might decide that this isn’t the guy for you. But don’t let that ruin the whole date. You could look at it like this is an interesting person that you would ordinarily not have a chance to get to know. Sometimes, a date can be even more fun when neither of you is really trying to make a huge first impression.

Finally, don’t forget to tell someone where you’re going on your first date. If you get stranded or just need to quick escape, it’s nice to know your bestie will be able to swoop in to save the night!



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sourch: stryjek/BigStock

Just about everyone has been indoctrinated by the mainstream media and sources of authority to think of hookups as a superficial form of evil. This outlook is quite damaging and could not be further from the truth. Let’s take a look at why hookups are good.

Why Hookups are Good: Stress Relief

One of the best ways to reduce your stress level is to enjoy a hookup with an attractive mate. You work extremely hard to pay your rent/mortgage and other bills. You deserve to play just as hard. Enjoy a hookup with a flame and you will find that you feel considerably less stressed. Your mood will brighten, you will be less inclined to overeat and you will feel as though you are on top of the world. This type of inner peace is absolutely priceless. A regular hookup will almost certainly improve your work performance and lessen the odds of a stress-induced temper flare-up in the office or at home.

sourch: stryjek/BigStock
sourch: stryjek/BigStock

The Benefits of Hookups: A Test Drive

Would you commit to a car before test driving it? If you are like most people, you desire a test spin, the chance to kick the tires, test the seats’ comfort and gauge the vehicle’s handling. After all, a vehicle is a major investment. The same statements hold true for relationships. Why should you commit to an individual if you aren’t sure whether the two of you are sexually compatible? There is no sense in wasting time on numerous dates, texts and phone calls with a potential flame if it turns out that you have no chemistry in the bedroom. Hookups give you the chance to determine if the two of you are on the same page in terms of sex and general intimacy. It is better to find out whether you have sexual chemistry with a potential lover now rather than after you have spent dozens, hundreds or even thousands of hours with that person. There is nothing more valuable than your time. It is the one resource you will never get back.

Hookups Require Less Investment Than a Full-Fledged Relationship

Consider the monetary, time and emotional investment required of a traditional relationship. You spend hours upon hours courting a potential mate. You spend hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars on dates, gifts and other shared experiences. Furthermore, a traditional relationship requires you to make an emotional commitment with your muse. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could simply cut to the chase and get exactly what you truly desire? It is possible in the form of a hookup. Hooking up with someone who arouses your interest saves you plenty of time, money and effort. There is no need to splurge on lavish gifts or spend hours on the phone, manipulating the other person with the hope that they reciprocate with sex. Hookups get right to the point. You both want sex and you can get it with no strings attached through a hookup.


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It used to be love at first sight. Now it’s love at first text, instagram, SnapChat, Facebook post… well you get the social media picture. The dating scene is nothing like it used to be. Just like most everything else, it’s gone mobile and we depend on our little hand held devices and apps to find the love of our lives. And it’s working. When virtual dating hit the scene nearly 10 years ago, it had the not so popular reputation of only those who were “hard up” or crazy would search for a date that way. Now, the stigma has changed and finding dates through virtual sites like is the new norm. According to Pew Research Center who started researching online dating back in 2005, hardly anyone they surveyed had ever looked for a date online. Jump to 2016 and their survey results considerably changed. More than 15 percent reported using online dating sites or apps. Here are 5 trends you need to know about finding love online.

 Online Romances Are On The Rise:

Online dating is more and more accepted as a popular way of finding a partner. Today, more people than ever before are proud to say they met their partner or spouse using an online dating site. Use of online dating sites by both young (under 25) and old (over 50) has nearly tripled since 2013.

 Virtual Dating Isn’t A Secret Anymore:

The term “online dating” is no longer separated from dating the old fashioned way. Technology is used as much in our personal life as it is in our business life and all of the virtual tools used to communicate at work, home or play are “A ok”. Gone are the days of keeping online xxx dating a secret. Couples are actually proud to point out where and how they met. This may be due to the extensive questionnaires, personality tests and other match making processes virtual dating sites use to perfectly match a couple together.

 It Takes A Team To Write A Profile:

One in five people looking for love online have reached out to family and friends to help write an online profile. Friends bring out the best in each other and women especially will recruit their best friend to write a glowing review. The profile is the virtual world’s first impression and just like wearing the right outfit, the online profile can make or break it.

 Online Dating Sites Are Growing Up:

Online dating sites like and e.Harmony are becoming more than just a site for meeting Mr. or Mrs. Right. Their websites have become tremendous resources for everything from starting the xxx dating relationship and keeping the love light burning. Couples are referring to the site’s blogs, events and other website content as an educational advice center. This is a smart move for the online dating sites to keep their memberships current even after their love smitten customers meet their matches made in virtual heaven.



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Many women have asked their male friends what they think about a woman who sleeps with a man on the first date. They have not given up trying to understand the male psyche and would like to rationalize and justify various dating experiences that perplex and stupefy, through the process of reason. On the other hand, women, who are already spoken for, might be merely expressing their curiosity in the most up-to-date cultural anthropology. If u sleep with a guy on the first date, how do guys feel about the girl afterward? Do they usually see that person again?  How long does it take for him to call her? Alas, most women are seeking to expand their knowledge of the fundamental stratagems after feeling like they’ve been tossed away like yesterday’s tea bag.

What Guys Think Before a First Date

According to Verily, men who have asked women out on a date are risking rejection, which means that when they ask you out, they are certain about their intentions due to the  amount of risk involved. What if the woman says no? Or even worse, tells him why. These guys must work up the courage to ask a girl out and are as urgently inquisitive about their date as women are. They are wondering what their date is thinking and feeling and where they stand, throughout the entire date. Verily suggests reassuring your male companion, letting him know that you are enjoying yourself.


If U Sleep with a Guy on the First Date

Have you ever been super-psyched and flushed with gleeful sexual satisfaction after a first date, only to find that you’ve been kicked to the curb? Why does this happen? If a man sleeps with a woman on the first date, is he disappointed? Bored? Disgusted? Do guys ever feel fine just going with the flow? A lot of men say that they don’t find first date sex offensive or immoral, and according to Cosmopolitan, numerous long lasting relationships have started off with sex on the first date. However, other men, when asked,  may present some foul-sounding kind of responses that make you regret dating. Another interesting scenario that may occur, and perhaps for the more sexually adventurous gal, is when there is a tremendous amount of sexual tension from the onset, one that promises to be an incredibly exciting mind blowing sexual encounter, but that unfortunately, fizzles down into something of a more moderate nature, due to a mutually agreed, getting-to know-you period of abstinence. A group of males surveyed by Glamour Magazine showed men to be mainly preoccupied with the quality of sex on a date first and foremost and secondarily, the quality of the connection. Therefore, in conclusion, it sounds as if a significant amount of men are willing to hang in there for at least a few dates without much judgment, in regards to respectability or appropriateness, if they are sexually satisfied.


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source: Studio10Artur/ bigstock

Are you one of those people who are fortunate enough to possess the good looks that others crave? Does the opposite sex fall at your feet at the mere glance from you? If you’re a sex magnet, or even if you’re just a very sexually active person, you’re probably wondering how many hookups is too many. If so, this article will help you to figure out how hookups work and how many are too many.

How Hookups Work

Hookups work when two people (or more!) are physically attracted to each other and decide to act on their feelings. An emotional connection isn’t required or asked for in most cases, so it’s really easy for a person to have so many hookups that they begin to ask how many hookups is too many hookups. It’s easy to get a hookup when you join a good online dating site. On there, you’ll be able to have your pick of attractive singles just like you who are looking to hookup.

source:   Studio10Artur/ bigstock
source: Studio10Artur/ bigstock

How Many Hookups Is Too Many

To figure out how many hookups is too many, you have to decide what’s too many for you personally. For some people, two hookups is one too many, because they might feel like they only want to be with one person their entire lives. For others, there is a definite number of hookups where they begin to feel like it’s too many. The answer is personal, and needs to be answered on an individual level.

How to Tell if You Have Too Many Hookups

There are ways to tell if you have too many hookups. If you begin to feel like there’s no more meaning in your relationships, or you get no satisfaction in your hookups, it may be time to have fewer of them. If you start to feel bored with hookups, or like you’re going through the motions, it may be time to re-examine if your hookup situation.

Remember that you can lessen the number of times you hookup at any time. The choice is yours, and no one else can make that decision for you.



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    When two stars collide, the results can be spectacular. Sometimes, as is the case with these 10 surprising hookups, they can be downright shocking. Check out these weird, wacky, and wonderful pairings.

    10 Surprising Celebrity Hookups

    Icy Royalty – Way back in yesteryear, in the dreamy early years of the ’90s (1991 to be precise), Madonna and Vanilla Ice hooked up for eight months. Ice, now known as Robert Winkle, even showed up in Madonna’s spicy book, Sex. (Some of us could do without the stripped overalls, Mr. Winkle).

    Twin Evils – Sharon Stone (who played a murderous vixen in Basic Instinct) and Christian Slater (who ALSO played a murderous vix…er.. man in Heathers) hooked up in the middle of the 2000s while filming Bobby. The couple weren’t together long but had time to show up to the ’06 American Music Awards before deciding better after an apparently eventful Christmas together

    The Bey Twins – Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) and Beyonce were said to have hooked up back in 2001, when MTV was filming “Carmen: A Hip Hopera”. Queen Bey herself claims that she was still rockin’ solo until she met , but rumors abound about Yasiin and Marques Houstin. Yasiin himself has been accused of bigamy by now ex-wife (and video model) Alana Wyatt.

    The Coulda Beens – Juliette Lewis and Johnny Depp once had a passionate affair that emerged from their time together on the set of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape in 1993. This gorgeous pair almost caught themselves a ball and chain but escaped before they made the fateful walk down the aisle.


    Leo’s Star – Before Leonardo DiCaprio was wrasslin’ bears (1995), he was hooking up with the ultra-lovely and notorious bad girl Naomi Campbell. The relationship was NOT written in the stars.

    Musical Power Play – Way back in the day, Jay-Z hooked up with the late, great R&B singer Aaliyah. What could have been fell flat when Jay-Z met Beyonce and we all know how THAT went.

    The Dirty Duo – Johnny Depp, in all his dreamy glory, spent time in the affectionate arms of Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing fame way back in 1989. There was a rumor at the time that the pair were engaged, though that was never confirmed. Maybe Depp’s lack of dance moves did him in.

    Riri’s Taste o’ Vanilla – More fling than love affair, Rihanna was caught sneaking out of Ashton Kutcher’s house in the late, late night (or early, early morn, however you wanna call it). Rihanna is an equal opportunity bombshell.

    Power Coupling – Way, way before tying the knot with lady love Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon was hooking it up with Kanye’s forever lover, Kim Kardashian. The pair apparently went rounds in late ’06, but were over it by January of the next year.


    Common Cookies – Common and Cookie (Taraji P. Henson of Empire fame) met when Common was filming “Testify”. The couple got serious soon after, but it wasn’t in the cards. Perhaps Taraji couldn’t get behind the tofu lifestyle.

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    Speed dating is a numbers game, and these tips can help you win.

    There’s nothing more disappointing than devoting an entire Saturday night to a first date, and dropping a chunk of your paycheck on it, only to find out they are a snore (or striking out). It’s no secret that dating can be time consuming and expensive. That’s why, from a numerical perspective, speed dating is a logical way to jump into the Asian dating scene. In less time than dinner and a movie, you can go on a dozen or more mini first dates, and go home with a stack of numbers for people you know you are interested in. But, you’ll need to bring you’re A-game if you want to stand out from the crowd. Try these four tips to make the most of your speed dating session.


    Dress to impress

    Sure, speed dating isn’t an actual first date, but you will still want to dress like it is. Think of it this way, there are dozens of potential mates, all competing for attention. You want to make sure you are the hottest person in the room. If you are coming straight from the office, your work duds probably won’t cut it. Be sure to put on something eye catching and show off your best assets. Not only will looking your best help you make more matches, knowing you look good will make you exude confidence, which is even more attractive.



    Arrive early

    At most speed-dating sessions, later comers are not admitted. Even if you arrive right on time, you’ll end up rushing through the sign-in process and sitting down to your first date feeling frazzled. Plan to arrive half an hour early. This will give you ample time to register, ask any questions, peek around the venue and maybe even grab a drink. And, if you have time to mingle with other participants before the official start of the event, you’ll have extra face time to make an impression.



    Focus on the here and now

    To make the most of your speed dating session, you’ll need to master the art of transitioning between dates quickly. You need to stay focused on the person you are with at the moment. If you are already peeking at the hottie you will be meeting next, replaying your previous conversation or wondering about the weirdo you met two dates ago, you won’t learn anything about your current date. Plus, a wandering mind, or eye, isn’t likely to spark your date’s interest in you.



    Indicate your interest

    At the end of the speed dating session, you will mark which dates you are interested in. If you both mark that you are interested in each other, you will wind up with their contact information. But, remember, this is largely a numbers game. You don’t need to be falling in love at first sight to mark that you are interested. If you feel even a hint of a spark, make the mark and open yourself up to the match. You can explore and develop that spark later, or let it fizzle. But, don’t miss the opportunity because you didn’t feel certain.


    Speed dating is all about meeting multiple people all at once. It’s the ultimate in dating efficiency. But, it’s also fun. Go into with an open mind and willing attitude and get ready to meet some interesting people.

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    A1254For those who are new to the notion of explicit dating sites, finding out how to get more hookups can be tricky. Nevertheless, given that these sites are literally designed for such activities, increasing your hookups doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. The following is a series of tips to help you get the amount of hookups you are longing for.

    Be Direct

    Unbeknownst to many, one of the main things stopping you from hooking up more is the failure to be direct. In other words, most people don’t join a XXX dating site or even a general dating agency, in order to play coy or beat around the bush. The first step is being direct. The only way to know if someone is interested in hooking up with you, is to ask.

    Be Polite

    Nevertheless, just because you’re on a XXX dating site doesn’t give you a free pass to be overly raunchy or disrespectful. Regardless of the fact that you are all looking for hookups, keep in mind that you do not yet know these people and the first impression is a lasting one. Crack a few jokes to break the ice and be polite, yet direct, when communicating your desires.



    Be Prepared

    Lastly, always be prepared. If you are asking for hookups, at some point, hooking up is what you will get. Make sure you have condoms or any other forms of birth control on hand as well as anything else it takes to get the job done. The last thing you want is to ruin a potential hookup by asking them to pick up things or delaying your rendezvous for a trip to the pharmacy.


    Xxx dating sites

    A secure method of meeting people who are interested in hooking up, a XXX dating site is perfect for those looking to get involved in hookup culture. These sites and other dating agencies are helping to revolutionize the way we meet and have relations or even relationships. Hooking up is perfectly fine as long as you remember that you are dealing with people who have feelings rather than using them as tools for self-gratification.

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    Naked young couple kissing and embracingThe short answer is, that entirely depends on you and the other person. You might have been hooking up with someone for a while when you discover that maybe you want to take things to the next level and actually see that other person for reasons other than casual sex. How do you find out if the other person feels the same way?

    Engage in conversation

    The best way to feel someone else out whether they want to have a real relationship with you is to engage in conversation. What does the other person like and dislike? What sort of movies does he or she like? What is his or her favorite music? What does he or she like to eat? Keep the whole thing casual, avoiding subjects that could lead to conflicts, such as politics or religion.

    Connect on social media

    You might want to connect on social media. Social media is a great medium for finding out more about someone, particularly if they like to talk about what they do every day.

    Be honest with yourself

    Before making the suggestion about getting into a full-fledged relationship, you need to be honest with yourself about what you want. Great sex is not a sufficient reason to take it to the next level. But if you find just being with the other person makes you happy, and you think he or she feels the same about you, then maybe it’s time to explore the possibilities.


    Broaching the subject

    You might suggest meeting for coffee or even dinner. If you find that you like the same sorts of movies, and  music, suggest going out to a film or a concert. The sex can always happen afterward.

    The instant that you broach the subject of turning hookups into a relationship can be a bit scary, because of fear of rejection. But the other person already likes you for sex, and if he or she continues to hook up with you, probably finds your company appealing as well.  Life is filled with risks, including the prospect of the other person just wanting to keep things casual. If that happens, you will have to decide whether you will settle for that, too.


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    Source: julief514/BigStock
    Source: julief514/BigStock
    Source: julief514/BigStock

    We have some bad news if you’re wondering what to do on a first date: There aren’t really any rules to the game. Anything that romantic comedies have taught you about how long you should wait before calling the other person, where you should go on your first and second date, what you should wear, none of those rules really apply in real life.

    Sure, there are some guidelines to follow. If you call back too soon, you might appear desperate. If you dress too nicely, it’ll look like you’re trying a little too hard. But dating isn’t like a game of Monopoly, it’s more like Poker, where the “rules” are secondary to being able to read the other player and respond appropriately.

    So, with that said…


    Do You Kiss On The First Date?

    The short answer is: You can.

    When the attraction is mutual and undeniable, you shouldn’t have to worry that your date is going to think that you’re “easy” if you’re game to kiss on the first date. If that’s the impression that they get, then it wasn’t meant to be, anyway.

    On the other hand, delayed satisfaction can heat things up between the two of you. The most exciting part of falling for someone often has to do with the wondering. Do they like you back? What does their apartment look like? And of course, are they a good kisser?

    There’s no rule against kissing on a first date, but every date is different. If there’s a strong draw between the two of you, it might feel right to get physical right away, before the date is even halfway over. On the other hand, if you wait until the second date for the first kiss, that first kiss might wind up being something really special.

    It comes down to your personal judgment. It’s not whether or not you should kiss on the first date, but do you kiss on the first date? In short: Don’t worry about whether or not kissing on the first date makes you seem easy or only interested in a short-term fling. Rather, let your passion dictate the pace. By withholding that first-date kiss, it may be fun to leave your date wondering if you like them or not, but leave them wondering for too long and they’re going to lose interest.


    The Short Answer

    If you decided to skip to the end for a short answer to the question of “Do you kiss on the first date?” you can kiss on the first date if it feels right, but keeping them waiting for date number two is a great way to maintain a little bit of mystery and stoke the flames of desire
